Best wishes for a healthy New Year 2016

Best wishes for a healthy New Year 2016

Best wishes for a healthy New Year 2016 to you, and it really is a real possibility.  For many it may be just a matter of planning and setting personal goals for the New Year. That is the only way to bring about a change in matters of health, if they have a direct connection to personal choice and decision making, there are other situations that are more complex and out of control of the individuals decision making .

Best wishes for a healthy New Year 2016

Great outdoors in the New Year 2016

Outdoor activities are fantastic way to improve physical health, a simple action like this, writing down a short line sentence; Great outdoors in the New Year 2016, can make a difference in one health, if it is acted on and implemented.  Ideas can have a lot of power, if the ideas a re supported with faith, belief  and understanding.  Who would not believe that physical activities outdoors are great?  It almost seems to be obvious, but the reality of health data that many people are over weight, proves that many people don’t believe in the reality of the physical laws in life.  Exercise routine and physical habits, similar to eating habits also are a matter of choice and decision making. It may take some time to exercise the mind so that it can control the people’s day to day matters, opposed to compulsive behavior.

Clear thinking and dynamic decision making

Question then is at what point does a person’s behavior depend on clear thinking? Decision making or spontaneous action? One way to find out is to write out a list of things to do at the end of the day, and try and get all things done on the list the following day. The list then can reveal how one behaves, and how does the behavior come about, was it circumstance, convenience or something else? Another method is to write a diary, keeping a record of the things done, the only difference is that the diary is more of a mirror, looking backwards after the event. Instead of planning ahead of time, before it happens. Writing a list ot things to do is really a dynamic way to organize and plan the activities ahead of time, it is deliberate course of action for desired goals and achievements in life, and it really can bring about positive outcomes in life. Do try it.

Best wishes for a healthy New Year 2016 and beyond

New Years is the perfect occasion to celebrate love, friendships and all the good things in life. Let’s take the time to appreciate what this year has given us and what the new one is about to bring! Happy New Years!

May all your dreams come true. Wishing you a Happy New Years filled with tons of good luck!

New Years is a chance for all of us to leave our mistakes behind and and start fresh. Let’s freshen up! Happy New Years!

Thank you for visiting this web site, and reading these
Best wishes for a healthy New Year 2016 greetings. Have a happy one in 2016.

Health benefits Gooseberry

Health benefits Gooseberry

Health benefits Gooseberry are many, high vitamin C content, rich source of antioxidants to fight off free radicals that cause aging and cells degeneration. Amla berry is one of the greatest naturally occurring sources of vitamin C. It contains more than 20 times the amount of vitamin C in an orange. Alma berries can improve digestion by balancing  stomach acids.

“Of all the herbs in the world of Ayurveda, there is one that is considered to be the most important rasayana”. – The OZ Blog.

In India the Alma is considered to in the fortification of the lvier and in nurishing the brain for clearer mind focus and improved mental functions.

Health benefits Gooseberry

Rasayanas are herbs, spices and fruits that have anti-aging properties that enhance overall health, vitality and longevity.Watch this video to see the many health benefits from Alma berries.  The Alma tree from which these berries grown is alsi an object of  worship in India. Amala Ekadashi is the name of the holiday at the beginning of the Holi festival in India, where people offer worship to the amla berry tree.

Balanced nutrition needs to support all of the eleven organ systems of the body, they are all unique in the functions and the structural design, therfoe they also have unique nutritional needs, for essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, fats and other essential nutrients.  It is always important to over deliver minerals and vitamins by eating healthy natural ingredients. Supplements can alos be of help but not always a wise option if there is high quality fruit and vegetables available. Holistic approach to good health is the answer to living a happy healthy life to a ripe old age. enjoy the video and choose your faily food take wisely.  Thanks you for visitng Which Food is Good for the Brain web site, i hope this  Health benefits Gooseberry post has been helpful to  your well-being.



Antioxidants maintain brain

Antioxidants maintain brain like a rust inhibitor

Antioxidants maintain brain to prevent the oxidization process taking place. The Oxidization process is unpreventable without antioxidants, because the body does oxizide naturally, even if not adding extra harm, or speeding up the process, by consumption of toxins. Toxins can come from many sources, it can be the environment, like motor sport arenas, dense pollution hubs in Mega cities, or even small town automobile traffic congestion, service stations, road traffic etc, but it can build up over time and become a real problem.

Toxins can also be consumed by over cooking animal fats, or even olive oil.  The over heating of fats and oils can changes the nature of the fat/oil, turning it toxic, and connection to oxidization. Toxins are also consumed by smoking cigarettes, and alcohol.  Toxics that cause oxidization can also be in the over processing of foods and preservatives. Artificial food colors, soft drinks and more.

Antioxidants maintain brain
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Healthy daily odose of antioxidants

Healthy dose of antioxidants daily ensures that what ever damage may be taking place in the body naturally, is reversed by the antioxidants, at least managed and controlled. A healthy body diet of green vegeatables and broght colored fruit and vegetables are two groups of antioxidant food groups.  Antioxidant foods for the brain are Vitamin C, vitamin E, Beta-Carotene, and vitamin A.  Antioxidants are essential for a healthy body and mind, the brain does age over time, free radicals, unstable molecules or atoms, that occur in the body are part of the problem of oxidization.  When free radical meet with oxygen, the result is ruit like oxidative damage to the brain.  Antioxidants reduce that damage, and keep the brain agile, and prevents uneccessary speeding up of the aging process.

The Brain is hungry for healthy diet

The human brain represents only 2% of the body weight, but demands 20% of the resting metabolism. The mind of the body has the biggest demand for constant energy.  Blueberries, bilberries, raisins, red grape skin, pomegranates, spinach, swiss chard, help to maintain the body in a state of natural health harmony.  Good feeling hormones follow, serotonin, dopamine.  It is said about fruit and vegetables that the darker the color the higher is the antioxidant content, so it is adviced to select fruit and vegetables with a keen eye for quality, becauce the the color is telling.  The old saying, is your brain getting rusty? is not far fetched.

The pleasant comforting Antioxidant foods

Antioxidants are also found in concentration form in both coffee and DARK chocolate,  2-3- cups of coffee per day is sufficient, and 1 ounce of dark chocolate per day can be described moderate consumption.

Omega 3 fatty acids

The Omega 3 fatty acids are primary building blocks of healthy brain tissue, they are found in cold water fish like salmon, macherel, sardines, a good brain diet is basically a good well balanced body diet.

Antioxidants maintain brain for  a healthy happy life, to consume antioxidants should be a part of a regular eating habit, food at best is natural, tasty and healthy, learn how to eat healthy every time for the health of the mind sake.

東京の花火大会 2015 New Fireworks Tokyo

東京の花火大会 2015 New Fireworks Tokyo

東京の花火大会 2015 New Fireworks Tokyo

Paris Fireworks 2015 video is a brilliant display of creative talent in displaying a show of fire works. I found this video while searching the YouTube videos for a brilliant fire works 2015 presentation.

Happy New Year 2015. 東京の花火大会 2015 New Fireworks Tokyo

Wish you a wonderful new year filled with abundance, joy, and treasured moments.

May the year 2015 be your best year yet!

The world may be cracking up in many places like a sour doug bread loaf baked in a hot oven, but don’t lose hope, it ought to settle down sometime soon when the heat settles down.

Thank you for your keen effort in roaming the world wide waters and landing on this one tiny net of a web site. Grateful for all the visitors and for everyone’s enthusiasm in 2014, and really look forward to creating new fresh content in the new year 2015 coming up real soon.

Cheers to the New Year!

東京の花火大会 2015 New Fireworks Tokyo
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Wishing you a Happy Holiday season for everyone.

Here’s to a little bit of Einstein for the challenges of the New Year in 2015.

Albert Einstein

“I feel that you are justified in looking into the future with true assurance, because you have a mode of living in which we find the joy of life and the joy of work harmoniously combined. Added to this is the spirit of ambition which pervades your very being, and seems to make the day’s work like a happy child at play”.

– Simran Khurana

東京の花火大会 2015 New Fireworks Tokyo
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Here is another interesting web site to visit for all those people that are interested in creative social topics for discussion, visit

Making plans for the new year is not always easy, however the new year dose give an opportunity to do things differently in the new year. One place to start making new plans for the new year is to reflect on the past year gone by, how did it go? What went well, and waht did not go as well as it could have. Or maybe for some people the year gone by went exactly right, with an excellent result, if so, then just rinse and repeat for the new year up ahead. It is kind of personal to reflect on the past and to make plans for the future. Each person knows their own success and failure, then it can be as simple as beng decisive and start steering towards the goals that you want to make in the future, it can be logical by making logical plans towards personal goals.

Have a great succesful year in 2015.


Online eyesight test

Online eyesight test

Online eyesight test video and is about the many benefits that a Natural eye vision exercise program can bring about.

  • see with confidence.
  • vision with clarity.
  • focus clearly.
  • healthy 2020 eyesight.

The natural eye vision exercise program called rebuild Your Vision is advertised with this video because it is a natural solution to many common eye vision problems.  It may be Nearsightedness and or Astigmatism, or it could be Aging vision and or farsightedness.  Even Aging Vision and Nearsightedness. But the sensible approach to deal with is to consider a Natural eye vision Exercise program before falling for the corrective lens solution. In any case a professional Optometrist should be visited for a professional eye check up regularly.

This information on this web site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
Always seek the advice of a medical professional for any medical condition.

Online eyesight test video shown here can be useful in providing useful information for preventative eye health care. Practical meaning, e.g. links to resources that provide natural solutions like the Rebuild Your Vision program.

Diversified investments on the stock market

Diversified investment on the stock market

Diversified investment is an advanced video training course on the stock option market.

Option trading is one way to make Diversified Investments on the stock market.

For training resource click this link.

Diversified investments
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Are you involved in any way with the stock market.

Maybe you’ve got some stocks. Maybe you manage your own portfolio. Maybe you have an account with an online brokerage. Maybe you even trade stocks and options regularly.

Regardless of your level of involvement, the bottom line is that you are NOT a professional trader on Wall Street.

Therefore, you are trading with a huge handicap! Yes, you are at a major disadvantage…

UNLESS… you’re using the Winning Trade System.

There has never been a course like this.

This is the way real professionals trade, and if you’re not using this information you’re simply not doing as well as you could be doing. Diversified investments can be mastered by learning more how the option markets work, and how to be a safe investor.



Decisions, decisions, decisions everyday and everywhere to be made with various consequences.

Decision making process is a vital part of decision making that determines which is the right decision and what is the best decision at the given time with the available information, visit…

Decisions, decisions, decisions can be fun and exciting, especially when shopping

What would be more fun that having the resources to select items off the shelf of a supplier any time there was a need to add one more to a collection.  Or maybe even moe fun to be grocery shopping with a list three feet long for all the healthy and nutritious food items.  Which ever is more fun and exciting in shopping then fact is that decisions are really important mechanism for getting things done and to be able to meet the supply of the demand.  Especially in the customer service, maybe the customer knows what they want, or what they need, but they don’t always know what is available and on offer, so then the customer service job is to sort out all of the options and to communicate to the customer how the items vary from one another, and what are the specs and features of the products.

Decisions making can be easy peasy as one two three

Watch more decision making videos with links to training resources, click here.

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Decision process

Decision process

Decision process is a function of the will to execute directives in the cognitive mind. Decision making optimized is a logical process based on facts. This video introduction video is Copyright protected.

By the decision process we become the people that we become, over time.

Decision making is a process and decisions are the building blocks of life. Each day is made up of hundreds of selective decisions.
Decision making is not always made at the conscious level, as the daily tasks become more of a routine then the decisions are often made habitually. The decision making process can be conscious and refined, each person has set their own level or a standard that they feel comfortable as part of their natural environment.
Humans can evaluate and reflect on the decision that they have made, whether they were the best decisions or if they made a mistake in the decision making process.

Decision process
Fresh Fruits from Mother Nature.

A good decision is when there is no regrets aftermath, because it was the best decision at the given time.

Wrong decisions usually become evident with time, business decisions need to optimize so that there is a maximum gain and minimum loss in energy, resources and spending. There is real deal survey statistic in critical analytic’s of business decision making made by the AMI survey, that 50% of business decisions are put into the wrong decisions category.

Decision process can be a creative process that builds for the future.

It is important to learn a reliable rock solid process in decision making. Using a list of ideas as a tool in the decision making process. The creative path to a solution is found with the help of a list of ideas. Creative decision making allows the brain to invent new links, leads, structures and concepts.
Having a handle of a clear process in decision making allows you to improve your decision making outcomes. It is important to focus on the process of decision making and not so much on the decision itself, when confronted with a problem that demands action.  See this link to training resources in decision making process.
Human beings can evaluate and reflect on the decision that they have made in the past, whether they were the good decisions, or whether they were bad decisions, it is also called as “reflection”. Intuition has its role in the decision making process. Good decision making brings in logic with intuition. Evaluating a problem analytically, looking at it logically but these alone may not reveal the core of the problem, so creativity can be used to animate the issue, to expand a list of ideas that open up the range of possibilities.

Humans have the ability to second guess the decision that they have made.

The goal of this course in decision making is to introduce a logical sequence to the decision making process, so that decision making can be made with confidence.

Here are some important objective points:

  1. To have the confidence of knowing that you made the best choice.
  2. Know when you made the best decision.
  3. You can at least know that you made the best decision.
  4. How to make a confident decision.
  5. A confident decision maker also has the courage to act.

And knowing after the decision has been made that it still stands, there are no regrets, because it was the best decision at the given time.
After a decision has been made and whatever the outcome was, the process of the decision making should have been made on; reliable information, true facts, personal values, business interests and objective goals, and then it is in line with the overall business policy . If there are no values, then there are no objective goals for decision making and the outcomes can easily become a simple drift and flow manifestation of indecisive fatalism.
Decision making is a skill that can be improved and refined with the right education and training, it does also require self discipline and self control; some people may be impulsive and make moves without any consideration for the sequential outcome. Making a right decision is a skill that can be learned, trained and reinforced so that it becomes second nature as part of the personality trait.  See Decision training video from here.

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Thank you for visiting and reading this Information on Decision process article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends. Thank you.

The Science of Changing Your Mind

The Science of Changing Your Mind

Evolve Your Brain, The Science of Changing Your Mind, is all about moderating and self control.

Joe Dispenza – Evolve Your Brain – The Science of Changing Your Mind Download the Evolve Your Brain PDF –

Fantastic topic to study, and to re-evaluate personal values and to set future goals in life.

The brain is wired to organize the sensory information of the environment, into patterns and structures that  can be retrieved and used for the accommodation of assimilation.  The willful mind can transcend the brain and mange it according to personal values and disciplines.

The author of this book Evolve Your Brain, The Science of Changing Your Mind has a great communication gift in an area that is both personal and intimate for people, but most people have not worked out how the brain and the mind work, or what is a sustainable practice and method for the wiring of their neurology.  Most people do know that good values foster good people, and good courteous manners can be a reflection of being being considerate of others.  Especially parents that have had young children of their own, would know that the small beginnings of small people (children) need steering and training so they become more considerate of others, if allow to grow without rules and constraints, they would grow up to be self serving animals, with no manners.

Parents do and have taught children to Evolve their brain by shaping their conscious mind.

The Science of changing the mind, is not a new concept, it has been practiced ever since the importance of education became popular, and the results of education could be scientifically verified. Today there are hundreds and thousands of Universities that shape and mold the minds and the brains of millions of people each year.  It has also being used in all of the medias; Radio, TV, Movies, Entertainment, Videos and many Web sites on the Internet.  What ever people do whether actively of passive it does shape their brain one way or another.  It is the nature of that very receptive organ between the ears, to convey sensory information and to make new connections when the circumstance allows.

This book; “Evolve Your Brain, The Science of Changing Your Mind”, is rally interesting, there are many important topics that anyone should know if they have room for self improvement and learning.  It could be in any area of their life; physical activity, healthy eating habits, nutrition, relationships with other people, or just making sense of their own mind and brain relationship.

Here is: Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind.

Here is a quote from the above book:

We humans have a unique capacity to change.  It is via the frontal lobe that we go byond the
pre-programmed behaviours that are genetically compartmentalized within the human brain, the
recorded history of our specie’s past.  Because our frontal lobe is more evolved than any other
species on earth, we have tremendous adaptability, and with it come choice, intent,
and full awareness.  We posess and advanced bit of biotechnology that allows us to learn from
our mistakes and shortcomings, to remember, and to modify our behavior so that we can do a
better job in life.”


Ginger for health

Ginger for health with benefits. The Heath Benefits of Ginger are many. Ginger is one of the world’s seven most potent disease-fighting ingredients.

Ginger for health has been known for many thousands of years in China, and India, the knowledge was passed on by the Ancient ancestors for more than 5000.  Ginger was first discovered in south east Asia, and it has been highly regarded for it’s healing properties as an universal medicine.

Ginger for health with important minerals and vitamins.

The properties of ginger and the source of micro nutrients are many; magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Copper, Vitamin B6.

Current Ginger for health benefits are; alleviate nausea, arthritis, anti inflammatory agent, stimulate digestion, reduce respiratory problems, motion sickness, anti ovary cancer agent, lowers cholesterol, anti oxidant properties, prevents migraines, prevents blood clots, cold and flu prevention and treatment.

Ginger for health can be enjoyed in tea or as a refreshing ginger beer.

Try adding ginger to your daily diet, there are many ways to enjoy the health benefits of ginger, a simple hot ginger tea can be made with fresh ginger, lemon juice and honey, simply slice the fresh ginger into thin slices and allow to infuse in hot water for  about 20 minutes, you may need a thermos to maintain the constant heat in the water to infuse the health benefits from ginger, without over boiling it of course.

Ginger is an ancient spice that was brought to Europe through the Silk route.

The Silk Route gets its name from the lucrative Chinese silk trade Route, which was about 4,000 miles/6,437 km long.  It began during the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD).  Ginger is native to Southern Asia and very much used as a spice in the Asian cuisines.

Ginger became popular in Europe, as a spice in the Ginger bread biscuit dough.

Gingerbread is a sweet dough flavored with ginger spice and honey or molasses.  Gingerbread translated in French is pain d’épices (meaning “spice bread”).

Gingerbread was brought to Europe in 992 by the Armenian monk Gregory of Nicopolis (Gregory Makar) (Grégoire de Nicopolis). He left Nicopolis Pompeii, to live in Bondaroy(France), near the town of Pithiviers. He stayed there 7 years, and taught the Gingerbread cooking to French priests and Christians.

It was during the 1300 AD that the Ginger spice was brought to Sweden  by German immigrants.

In the Nordic countries, the most popular form of ginger confection is the pepperkaker (Norwegian), pepparkakor (Swedish), brunkager (Danish), piparkakut (Finnish) and in the baltic countries piparkūkas (Latvian) or piparkoogid (Estonian).

Ginger for health has been well known and used for a long time, the spice has a really unique flavor, unlike any other.  It is a classic ingredient, with distinguishable unique flavor like; vanilla, chocolate and coffee.

Prioritize healthy food choice and life style