Category Archives: Natural Environments

Natural Environments Creativity

Natural environments creativity come from intelligent designs, that enhance the human soul experience for life. Human soul functions being the intellect, consciousness, imagination, will, memory and the emotions. The creativity from the first cause to design life from intelligent design is magnificently astounding beyond finite human comprehension. For an infinite Creator of Life it may be a normal environment for creative activities for the El-Elyon.

Human soul activities include the intellect, consciousness, imagination, will, memory, emotions. For humans to interact with life requires the use of the intellect, consciousness, will and creative powers of the imagination. They are necessary for survival. Most mammals also are living souls, they have an intellect, consciousness, creative powers of the imagination, will, memory and the emotions. The way mammals use their creative powers of the imagination is to join dots, they can join dots when the dots are not visible. Partly by the use of memory, and partly by creative powers of the imagination and the intellect. Mammals are not equal in how they use their soul for solving problems, and overcoming life threatening situations from the elements of nature, seasonal changes, and the threat from predator animals.

I hope you enjoyed this Natural Environments post, and consider all the creative intelligent design features that appear in the natural environment life. Enjoy.