Sadistic Hamas Terror Strikes: Hamas Launches Assault on Israeli Women October 7 2023

Women On October 7th Massacre in Israel.

420+ Female Victims murdered.

On October 7th, a coordinated wave of assault by the Hamas terror organization resulted in the deaths of over 320 women.

Additionally, about 100 women and girls were kidnapped. Women and girls caught in the rampage were sexually brutalized, physically tortured, and killed.

Survivors witnessed it, and surveillance footage caught it. 100 days after October 7th, 17 Israeli women are still held hostage.

Thirty women aged 12 to 48, who have been released from captivity, endured sexual abuse during their time in captivity.

In one instance captured on video, a woman was seen with her dress torn, her body gruesomely mutilated and burned, a stark representation of the violence inflicted upon the victims.

Photographs viewed by The Times showed a woman’s corpse found in the rubble of a besieged kibbutz, with her thighs penetrated by dozens of nails, further illustrating the severity of the assaults.

Another video provided by the Israeli military showed two dead soldiers, shot directly in their vaginas, emphasizing the targeted nature of these heinous acts​​.

Survivors, women who endured the horrors of the attacks, were not only confronted with the profound loss of their loved ones but also subjected to sexual assault.

The Hamas perpetrators, primarily men, went beyond acts of violence; they deliberately targeted women, treating them as property or vessels to inflict harm on the state of Israel.

Women, falling victim to severe assaults that ultimately led to their tragic deaths, left their horrifying experiences to be recounted by first responders witnessing many who endure profound violations of their humanity and subjected to unspeakable acts of sexual mutilation.

This gender-specific war crime compounds the already distressing impact of the assaults and calls for the urgent need to look at its broader consequences.

The is a comprehensive site dedicated to shedding light on the many events that took place during the October 7th massacre.

Within this broader context, our focus here is specifically on the experiences of women during these tragic events.

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Pray For The New Year 2023

Thankful For The Day
by Catherine Pulsifer

Once a year, every year it comes
Marching in drum by drum.
One year ends and another begins
Often time it brings a grin.

Some people are glad to see the old year go
But others feel time has gone to slow.
Some people wish time would stand still
But a thought like that gives me a chill.

You see an opportunity exists each year
To help others and bring good cheer.
Our attitude towards our time
Can be worth a dollar or just a dime.

This coming year live each day
Keep negative thoughts at bay.
Life is too short to live with regrets
Life is too short to live with big debts.

Appreciate and be content
Do not spend your time in lament.
Awake each day and always pray
Be thankful for another day.

8 Good New Year’s Resolutions for Moms


Adopted by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948 (UN, 2018)

“The Declaration consists of a preamble and 30 articles, setting forth the human rights and fundamental freedoms to which all men and women, everywhere in the world, are entitled, without any discrimination.  

Article 1, which lays down the philosophy on which the Declaration is based, reads: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. The article thus defines the underlying assumptions of the Declaration: that the right to liberty and equality is man’s birthright and cannot be alienated: and that, because man is a rational and moral being.

He is different from other creatures on earth and therefore entitled to individual rights and freedoms which other creatures do not enjoy.

Article 2, which sets out the fundamental principle of equality and nondiscrimination as regards the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, forbids “distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status”.  

Article 3, the first cornerstone of the Declaration, proclaims the right to life, liberty, and security of person -a right essential to the enjoyment of all other rights.

This article introduces articles 4 to 21, in which other civil and political rights are set out, including freedom from slavery and servitude; freedom from torture

and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;

the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law;

the right to an adequate judicial remedy;

freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention or exile;

the right to a fair trial and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;

the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty; freedom from arbitrary interference with privacy, family, home or correspondence;

freedom of movement and residence;

the right of asylum; the right to a nationality;

the right to marry and to found a family;

the right to own property;

freedom of thought, conscience and religion;

freedom of opinion and expression;

the right to peaceful assembly and association;

and the right to take part in the government of one’s country and to equal access to public service in one’s country.”

(UN, 2018)  



That is the core reason for the mystery of conflict and wars. It is willful lawlessness and disrespect for the sanctity of life. Joseph Stalin’s life would have been much more meaningful and rewarding to him eternally as a human being made in the image of God if he had stayed at the seminary, where he started his theological studies.

Potential to know what the will of God for him and humanity in general. He could have also found personal salvation and become righteous before God, living in submissive obedience to the Creator of life through the redemption of Yeshua Hamashiach.  


 “The declassification of documents since the collapse of the Soviet Communist tyranny in 1991 has brought irrefutable proof that Lenin’s maternal great-grandfather was a shtetl Jew named Moshko Blank. Whether or not Lenin himself was aware of this piece of information is uncertain. Still, by the time of his death in 1924, his sister had possession of the facts— and, by order of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, was forced to keep them secret. The order held firm until the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’ s”. (Wisse, 2018) My Jewish  


“Marx was ethnically Jewish. His maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier’s rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx”.( Encyclopedia,Karl Marx, 2018)

Karl Marx, with Jewish ancestry, would have served people much better by believing in the teaching of the Torah instead of being a false prophet of humanism, teaching the people of the world atheism. But, unfortunately, the Bolsheviks failed their calling in life by their obstinate self-will, willfully trusting their understanding more than the written word of God. That is the difference.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3: 5-6. (NIV)  


The Spirit of the Natural Law is a sure foundation for the rule of law and eternal law principles respecting societies. Without accepting the Spirit of the Natural Law principles, it is impossible to have legal principles for International Law. Only the Spirit of the Natural Law provides true justice impartial to all people worldwide.  

People that deny the Spirit of the Natural Law do so because their will and their spirits are not willing to submit to the impartial Spirit of the God-given Natural Law principles.

The truth, similarly, a convicted lawbreaker will often repress or deny having broken any laws. Many simply will not accept the Spirit of the law that commands the human will to submit to the Spirit of the Natural Law’s transcendent origin, Creator of Life.

 The same point was made earlier; the law is not a material entity; it is immaterial. Transcendental Spirit of the Natural Law. In the beginning, Elohim, the Creator of life. Created the material world according to the Spiritual reality Law outside time and space.  

Meaning to use the intellect and the will to make the right choice, consciously to do the right thing. It is a matter of realization and awareness to make an intelligent, higher conscious choice in a finite material world. Mostly, it is not a tug-a-war between the human will and human law, but rather a battle between human intellect, will, and the human carnal nature, pulling each way and not giving due respect to the Spirit of the Natural Law.  

The intellect should be informed and enlightened to accept the knowledge of the more significant, the prior, Spirit of the Natural Law.

The old analogy of the cart, the driver, or the horse?

Which entity acts as the engine?

Which has a more significant role in the steering?

The metaphysical Spirit of the Law, or the subjective human will? What is its logic? Which has priority? Which is secondary?  

Moreover, what purpose does it serve? For example, do spiritual laws serve random human behavior? Alternatively, does the random human behavior learn to submit to the metaphysical Spirit of the Natural Law?

Moreover, learn the proper priority and submit the human will to God’s will to the higher priority order. It is like a small Copernican Revolution of the discovery of the other.

The other being greater. The other being the will and the Spirit of Elohim.  It is a question of information, knowledge, understanding, and cognitive intelligence.

A knowledge problem, with the intellect, that drives the individual self-determination.

Almost 2000 years ago, 12 disciples made a free choice; after they were asked to follow Yeshua from Nazarene, they were invited to follow Jesus. The 12 to be disciples intuitively sensed that it was an invitation of a lifetime worth taking. So, they committed themselves to follow the teaching Rabbi called Yeshua. It changed their lives forever.   The global community has always been a violent place, ruled by violent individuals. It is no different in the last 100 years. They do not accept the Spirit of the Natural Law is a reliable guide for civil government.

Many dictator leaders have attempted to shut down the Spirit of the Natural Law and re-write the meta-narrative of the rules for human existence, according to the dictator’s political ambitions, self-seeking glory, egomaniac fantasies, military power trips, and other imaginary extremities, like global domination.  


Quote: “The whole purpose of reasoning, of logic, is to arrive at the truth of things.” “This is often an arduous task, as truth can sometimes be painfully elusive. But not to pursue truth would be absurd, since it is the only thing that gives meaning to all our endeavors.”

“It would be equally absurd to suppose that truth is something forever to be pursued but never to be attained, for that renders our activity purposeless, which is to say, irrational, and turns truth into a chimera.” (McInerny, 2004) Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking.  


Human deceptive methods are used for trapping animals and fish. The fish are caught by deception to make the fish believe that bait is harmless when there is a hidden hook to snare the fish. During the stone age, wild animals were hunted, trapped for food and furry skins.

 It was beneficial for the survival of humanity, especially in the Northern Arctic regions of the globe. People that lived on the Pacific Islands would not need to hunt animals for their furry skins. There was no need for such extravagance; palm tree leaves skirt would suffice in the tropics. The fruits of the trees, the root vegetables of the land, and the fish and seafood of the ocean were nutritious and plentiful for people to survive on. It reveals how humans treat animals with respect or disrespect. The quality that humans treat animals is learned and can also become part of human traits.

Animals have character traits such as the adaptable, shy and timid, laid back, happy, independent, and confident. Animals deserve to be respected.

It is also commanded so in the Holy Scriptures.

“For six days, you are to work. But on the seventh day, you are to rest, so that your ox and donkey can rest, and your slave-girl’s son and the foreigner be renewed.”  

Exodus 23: 12. (CJB).  


“There are two basic types of objective facts, things, and events. A “thing” is an actually existing entity, animal, vegetable, or mineral. To the subject experiencing it, a subjective fact is self-evident under normal circumstances. However, through such mechanisms as self-delusion or rationalization, a person could fail to get straight a fact even about himself.”

“We all tend to favor our ideas, which is natural enough. They are, after all, in a sense our very own babies, the conceptions of our minds. However, conception is possible in the thinking subject only because of the subject’s encounter with the world. Our ideas owe their existence, ultimately to things outside and independent of the mind, to which they refer: objective facts.”

“Our ideas are clear, and our understanding of them is clear, only to the extent that we keep constant tabs on the things to which they refer. The focus must always be on the originating sources of our ideas in the objective world. We do not really understand our own ideas if we suppose them to be self-generating, that is, not owing their existence to extramental realities.”

(McInerny, 2004) Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking.

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 2033-2034).


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Children Love To Learn Life

Protecting your child’s love of learning will enhance their long term trajectory in life.

Sometimes for parents who see their children come home from public school angry and antagonistic to schoolwork and learning, we naturally assume that it is against the nature of a child to want to learn anything.  But if you think back to the years before you sent your little one off to school, the opposite was the case.  As an infant, your child was a virtually learning machine, and he or she seemed to live and breathe learning new things.  That natural curiosity and desire to find out more about the world was as profoundly a part of your little one’s being as the desire for food and love.

So what happened?  Does the love of learning die out when a child passes out of infancy?  If you watch your young child or teenager closely, the love of learning is still there.  But what has happened is because public schools destroy the zeal for learning at an academic level, children channel their enthusiasm for learning into venues that understand the mind of youth better than schools do it seems.  That is why video games and television are so successful.  It isn’t that these tools of communication succeed just because the things they talk about are fun.  They thrive because they nurture and encourage a love of exploration and learning in ways the public schools long ago forgot (or never knew) how to do.

There is a tragic paradox to public school.  The mystery is that they are charged with the highest calling in society, which is to educate our youth.  When we turn our children over to them, they have a tremendous opportunity to capture that zeal for learning and take it year by year forward, so the child never ceases being fascinated by knowledge and the love of gaining more of it. 

But sadly, almost without exception, public schools squander this golden opportunity to take young minds brimming with the thrill of learning and take them further and further never damaging the precious enthusiasm they have for knowing new things. Instead, within a short time after starting public school, your child will lose his or her love of learning and become angry, bitter, and resentful of the school and you for sending him there.

Part of the reason for this failure comes from the fact that public schools by law must handle a considerable amount of children.  So to maintain order, extensive crowd control and discipline systems are put in place.  Somewhere along the way, schools abandon their core principle, which is to teach young minds and to nurture their love of knowledge, and they exchange that for order, discipline, and the ability to follow the rules. 

Children are not stupid.  They can see that the institution is not at all interested in academics and is all about order and keeping everybody marching in a line, and they turn against the school.  But then the schools even rob the classroom of time to subject children to hour after hour of “ethical training” in anti-drug, anti-sex and anti-discrimination assemblies and lesson plans. 

Somewhere along the way, someone saw that schools represent an unsupervised concentration of children who had time that could be monopolized to preach a moral lesson to them.  By unattended, we mean that the parents aren’t there to object.  So large segments of the school day are wasted on teaching the children to be good citizens, moral people and to have “self-esteem,” which has only become damaged because the schools destroyed the children’s love of learning in the first place.

Whether or not public schools can see how badly they have failed in their prime reason for existing or not isn’t your problem as a parent.  Your challenge is to find a place that can rekindle the love of learning in your child and begin to move him or her along toward academic excellence, so your little one knows the joy of knowledge and the thrill of excelling at learning again.  The deep desire of parents to make this type of education available to their kids is the reason for the explosion of the private school movement in the last few decades.   And is a movement that may become a wholesale revolution if public schools continue to destroy the minds and souls of the children they are supposed to be teaching.

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Special Schools for Special Kids

Special schools for special kids needs have a direct specified connection.

If you are a parent of a special needs child, you know something that the public schools either don’t know, or they refuse to recognize.  And that is any particular need can be accommodated and worked around, and your child is just as capable of excellence on an even playing field with any other child if his or her limitation is taken out of the picture.

It is impressive when you think about it because so many people with unique situations have gone on to such genius and excellent.  From Stevie Wonder to Steven Hawkings, the schools should buy a clue that a physical disability or learning disability problem does not mean that a child cannot be an outstanding student and go great things in school and life.  But public schools traditionally do a terrible job accommodating kids with special needs, and when your child has a learning disability, their record is even worse.

Perhaps we can see that public schools are built to churn a massive amount of students in and out of the system every year.  And because they do have to accept everybody, you can understand why it’s challenging to provide accommodations for physically challenged children or kids with learning disabilities.

For most parents seeking the best for their children, trying to get the accommodations made so your child can excel in public school is a study in frustration.  Even if on paper, the school acknowledges that each teacher will provide those accommodations, when the rubber hits the road, they don’t. Mainly when your child’s limitation is a learning disability, perhaps because the disability is not visible as is the case with a child in a wheelchair or who cannot see, the teacher commonly “forget” that your child needs accommodation and lumps them in with the rest of the class and then punishes them for having difficulty.

Not only is this situation a horror show for parents to get through, but it also erodes your child’s self-esteem and ability to stay ambitious and positive about going to school to try to do his or her best.  So while we all have the urge to try to make the more extensive system work for us, it is often the best course of action to seek out a private school that has the specialized training and equipment to accommodate your child and still provide him or her with an outstanding education from elementary school all the way through to college preparation in high school.

Any teacher who is going to work with children with disabilities or limitations has to undergo specialized training.  Part of that training is to recognize the individual nature of your child’s situation and tailor the educational goals accordingly without “dumbing down” the curriculum.  This is the value of moving to a private school setting to get your child away from the public school prejudice that sees all children with physical limitations or learning disabilities as “slow” or unable to determine.  The truth that you know and your child knows is that your child may be of superior intellect and ability to outperform other children with no such challenges if the disability is neutralized.

Private schools often foster specialized training, skills, and the passion for teaching physically challenged or learning disabled children and seeing them reach the excellence they are capable of.  And when the school knows that a disability is something that can be worked around and they see the true greatness in your child, then your child will begin to excel, and that self-esteem and excitement about learning will return.  And won’t it be great when your child is eager to go to school each day rather than fearing it like a prison sentence?  That alone makes going the private school route for your child a good option.

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Teaching Children Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

Teaching children Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic is at the core of the mind’s cognitive development.

There seem to be many reasons for sending your child to public school depending on whom you talk to.  From the kid’s perspective, school is a chance to get out of the house and maybe have some fun with friends.  And one of the values of sending a child to a social setting for school rather than going the home school route is it gives your child the chance to develop social skills, which are almost as valuable as the academics.

But when it comes right down to it, for most parents, the central reason to send a child to school is for them to learn the basics of the subjects being taught, which includes history, art, government, social studies, foreign language and yes reading, writing, and arithmetic.  If the school is successful at this one task, then anything else is secondary or lower on the priority list.  Not only do you want your child to come out of each class with a good grade, which builds up a good GPA in preparation for college, but you also want your kiddo to come out with a mastery of the subject.  And if they can come out with a love or passion for each subject area, that is a tremendous bonus.

This is why it is maddening how little public school seems to focus on teaching.  You can go to a parent’s assembly or parent conference and go for much if not all of the meetings and hear nothing about the basics of the academics of what is going on at that school.  If you dare to interrupt such a meeting to talk about the actual mission of school, which is to give the children education in subjects, you often feel like you just introduced some form of obscenity to the discussion.

The emphasis in public school is far too often on behavior, conformity to the structure of school, or on moral or ethical “lessons” the school likes to teach.  The notifications you get from the school about your child are almost always about behavior and conformity, and if you talk to the “teachers” at public schools, this is where their passion lies.  It’s as though the challenge of keeping 20-30 wild students tame and working within the structure of the school system has become the passion of the school for more than teaching students the subjects at hand is.

The sad thing is a lot of the time, and the schools can distract parents and even students to where every day the entire focus of being in school is about obeying the system.   Children are the first to notice that they seem enslaved to a system designed only to teach them how to be confined to the system. 

To break this cycle of wasting your child’s time on discipline and conformity training, private school is often the best route.  The very reason may private schools spring into existence comes from the frustration parents have felt about getting the public schools to provide real education for their kids.  So by establishing a private school, the founders made it a priority that the classes would be about teaching and about enabling students to learn and excel at academics.

What a relief it would be if when your child came home from school and you asked “what went on at school today?” you got a laundry list of academic areas of focus that your child is being taken into by the teachers of her school.  This would be a breath of fresh air after hearing daily moaning about the discipline and lectures public schools give your kids with no interest in academics at all.  And if we can find a school that goes back to that core value of reading, writing, and arithmetic, that would be a school sending your child to go to every day, even if it is a higher cost.  It’s worth it if your child is really learning and if the school is doing its job of teaching.

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Natural Environments Creativity

Natural environments creativity come from intelligent designs, that enhance the human soul experience for life. Human soul functions being the intellect, consciousness, imagination, will, memory and the emotions. The creativity from the first cause to design life from intelligent design is magnificently astounding beyond finite human comprehension. For an infinite Creator of Life it may be a normal environment for creative activities for the El-Elyon.

Human soul activities include the intellect, consciousness, imagination, will, memory, emotions. For humans to interact with life requires the use of the intellect, consciousness, will and creative powers of the imagination. They are necessary for survival. Most mammals also are living souls, they have an intellect, consciousness, creative powers of the imagination, will, memory and the emotions. The way mammals use their creative powers of the imagination is to join dots, they can join dots when the dots are not visible. Partly by the use of memory, and partly by creative powers of the imagination and the intellect. Mammals are not equal in how they use their soul for solving problems, and overcoming life threatening situations from the elements of nature, seasonal changes, and the threat from predator animals.

I hope you enjoyed this Natural Environments post, and consider all the creative intelligent design features that appear in the natural environment life. Enjoy.

Establish Clear Rules for Children when you are Divorced

Establish Very Clear Rules for Children when you are Divorced

It can be tough for parents to establish clear rules they agree on when they live in the same home. This becomes even more of a challenge after a divorce. Yet you aren’t doing your children any favors when they have two sets of rules going on. They will use them to their advantage in many instances. You will also find that it gets to be confusing for younger children to follow.

In reality, you and your ex-spouse aren’t going to agree on all the rules for the children in both households. That is a war that very few people will ever win. Yet you can do your part by attempting to come to a compromise on those that are very important for you as well as for the well being of your children. It is a good idea to write down the rules so that everyone knows what it to be expected.

Providing Structured Lifestyle with Security

For example, you may find that you really do want to establish a set rule relating to bedtime at both homes. This way your children will be in a set routine, and it is easier for them to adjust to the various changes that take place when they move from one home to the next. However, you may decide that you don’t let the kids have food in their rooms at home, but your ex-spouse does. That is a rule that can be different for each household.

Consistent Family Values

Curfews are also one rule that you want to have in place for both homes. Otherwise, your children will start to venture to spend more time with the parent who gives them the most freedom. This can result in some severe problems for you as well as your children down the road.

Respect comes with Rules

The rules that are established for both households aren’t going to be set in stone. There may come a time when some of them need to be re-evaluated. If you are able to communicate well with your ex-spouse schedule a time for the two of you to discuss it. Once you have come to some conclusions, you can review the results with the children. It is best if you can do this together though. They will be more receptive to a united front then if only one parent is approaching them about the rule changes.

Sometimes those rules will be in favor of the children. For example, you may be giving them a later bedtime or curfew due to being responsible and getting older. Others may tighten the reigns somewhat such as limiting TV or video game time. It will depend on what issues you are facing with your own children.

Compromised Parental guidance

Too many parents tend to feel so bad that their children are in the middle of the divorce that they become incredibly lenient. They don’t set boundaries as they don’t want to upset their children. They also don’t want to be looked at as the Mean One as compared to the other parent. Yet children do crave boundaries and rules even if they won’t tell you so.

Never bend the rules that you and your spouse have agreed upon for both households. Doing so is going to create more problems for you than it is worth. The other parent is eventually going to find out, and they will likely be both hurt and angry over it. You may think you will win some affection from your children if you let them have a later curfew, but that isn’t going to happen. They will have more respect for you if you stick to the established rules that are in place.

Establishing unambiguous rules for children when you are divorced is an essential part of keeping everyone happy. If you fail to see the importance of this though you will find some conflicts continue to come into play over and over again. Don’t let a power struggle result from them.

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Discussing the Issue of Divorce with your Children

Discussing the Issue of Divorce with your Children

A divorce can be a difficult time for any family, but communication is essential. The children need to understand that they aren’t responsible for what is taking place. They also need to realize that both parents love them and want to be a part of their lives. This can help children to deal with the many changes that will take place with a divorce.

It is a good idea for the parents to sit down with the children to discuss the issue of divorce. Some parents choose to do this with all of the children at one time. Others find it is better to do so with each child one at a time. This is often due to age differences as well as the individual personalities of each child.

Sharing Faults

The responsibility of telling the children about the divorce should never fall on the shoulders of only one parent. A united front needs to be displayed from the start of it. The children will feel more secure hearing the information from both of their parents rather than just one of them.

Having a Mission purpose

The children don’t need to know all of the details of why the parents are divorcing. It shouldn’t turn into a blame game where each of the parents tries to get the children to take their side in the matter. What they do need to know is that their parents won’t be staying together and how that is going to affect them.

Give children time to take in the information that is taking place. Even though they likely have an idea that things aren’t going well in the home, they may be shocked by the idea of a divorce. Let them know they can come to either parent with questions that they may have about it.

It can be a good idea to have another meeting with both parents and all the children or each child one on one a couple of weeks later. That will give the children some time to deal with their thoughts about the divorce. They may be more ready to talk about it now than they were when you first told them about it.

Support Group

Be ready to offer your children more support during the divorce process. Some children act out in anger because of it. Others may become withdrawn due to their emotions. It is vital that their needs are addresses as too many parents are too wrapped up in their own feelings over divorce to provide their children with the support they need.

Older children may press for more information as to why the divorce is taking place. Parents need to have a plan of action as to how they will handle such questions. If one of the adults has been having an affair, you may decide it is best not to disclose that information to the children. This is a personal choice that you need to make before you sit down to talk about the divorce with the children though.

Talk to a Genuine Marriage Counsellor

Parents need to come to terms with the concepts of the divorce before the children are approached though. The children need to be reassured that they will be fine through all of it. That can’t happen if they get the impression that their parents aren’t okay with what is going to be taking place.

Try to share some basic plans with the children as well. For example, you need to tell them what the living arrangements will be. You also need to let them know when the changes will be taking place. This way they can start to prepare for what is ahead of them.

Find a Spiritual Home

When children are involved in what is going on with a divorce, they tend to deal with it better. They don’t feel like they are just being thrown into the middle of what is going on. A divorce is never easy for anyone, especially when children are involved. Yet it can be a process everyone gets through if you are willing to put your differences aside and work together to come up with a good solution for everyone.

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Spouses new Love Interest

Dealing with your Spouses new Love Interest Being Around your Children

Nothing seems to generate jealousy after a divorce than when one parent has a new love interest. In most cases, it has nothing to do with the fact that their ex-has a new partner. What bothers people though is that this new love interest will be around their children. Very few people are able to accept someone else stepping into that role, even if only for a little while.

Recontsructing Relationships

This is something that divorced couples do end up dealing with though. Some individuals date seriously for a while and then move on to someone else. Others will find someone that they eventually marry so your children will have a stepparent in their lives. Chances are you will learn about these other people from your children.

You certainly can’t stop your ex-spouse from being with someone else. There is no law against it so even if you don’t like it you will have to make the best of it. Since your concern will be for your children, you need to make sure they are well taken care of. If you feel your ex-spouse is a good parent, then you shouldn’t have too much fear. It is doubtful that they will be with another adult who isn’t going to treat the children well.

Look both Eyes Wide Open before Jumping into a Relationship

And ask your self, Why? Will it make you a better person? If not, then move on.  Many people give little respect for the human capacity to multiply. Too often people treat sex as just another channel of entertainment. That is the cause of the countless misery circumstances that children are born to, when parents have not doen their share of home work in family planning.

The hatred and animosity that often grows though between an original parent and someone that the other parent dates or marries is often unbelievable though. You can be sure the children will quickly pick up on it. They may feel guilty telling you that they like that other person. They may not want to be around them as they think it is disloyal to their own parent.

Prevention is Better than Cure

It is essential to discuss the issue openly with the children though. They may have a hard time initially seeing their parent with someone new. Even though most children understand divorce, secretly many of them hold out for their parents to get back together. When they see their parents with other people through the reality that it isn’t going to happen settles in and has to be addressed.

It is important to express to your children that they need to have respect for those individuals that their parents are dating or eventually marry. They need to know those individuals don’t replace their own parents though. The lines may be blurred here as far as rules, and things so make sure you clarify what the situation is going to be.

You do need to be prepared for the fact that the new love interest will likely be accompanying your ex-spouse to events for your child. If you can take the time to say hello and be warm on some level, it is going to help. Likewise, you need to avoid telling your new love interest about issues you have had with your ex-spouse. You don’t want them to have a negative perception of that person based on what you have shared.

It can definitely sting when you see your ex-spouse with a new love interest. This is more likely to be true if you are still in love with them on some level. Yet you have to do your best to let go. You don’t have to become best friends with their new love, but it is to your advantage to get to know them on some level. After all, they will be spending time with your children.

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